Switching water suppliers can save your business up to 50%

80% of businesses in the UK are not in a contract and are being charged default rates.
Switching Group can help identify savings in the market for you, keep reading to find out how.

Switching water suppliers

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What are the benefits of switching water supplier?

Cost Savings

One of the most significant advantages is cost savings. By switching to a more competitive supplier, businesses can lower their water bills significantly.

Better Customer Service

Some suppliers provide better customer service, including more timely responses to inquiries.

Comparing Rates and Service Quality

Businesses can compare rates and service quality among different suppliers to find the most suitable option.

Lower Prices

Switching can lead to lower water rates, potentially saving businesses a significant amount.

Maintenance and Service

A good water supplier not only provides water but also takes care of maintenance, ensuring your business has a steady flow of water.

Environmental Benefits

Some suppliers focus on environmentally responsible practices, which can align with a business's sustainability goals.

Simplified Billing

Improved billing accuracy and transparency can simplify financial management.

Taking Advantage of the Water Market

Understanding the water market allows businesses to take advantage of competitive rates while still working with regional suppliers.

How are your water rates calculated?

Business water pricing structures can be intricate, making it challenging to determine the most suitable plan. However, we’ve outlined some practical suggestions to help you comprehend your water expenses and evaluate various business water suppliers.
Metered Rates for Portable Water

These rates depend on the quantity of clean water delivered to your premises. The more clean water you use, the higher your charges will be. Business water providers regularly read meters to accurately assess your costs.

Daily Fixed Charge for Portable Water

Also referred to as a metering charge, this fixed daily fee is billed to all businesses, irrespective of water consumption. It supports the maintenance of pumping systems and external pipes supplying water to your property.

Metered Rates for Wastewater

Business water suppliers assume that the clean water used in premises will eventually enter wastewater systems. Meter readings are employed to calculate wastewater charges.

Standing Charges for Wastewater

Since wastewater exits premises through sewerage pipes, a standing charge is applied to all business premises to sustain sewage systems.

Rates for Surface Water Drainage

Businesses are responsible for the removal of rainwater within their property's boundaries that enters the drainage system.

This map shows which water wholesaler supplies

Who is my water wholesaler?

This map shows which water wholesaler supplies each area of England and Wales. This doesn’t necessarily mean that this is your water supplier as there are many retailers in the market.

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